CodeMasterMike on "How to use this function in VSL??????????"
Can you give little more information about what you are trying to achieve? What kind of object is "atom"?
View Articlesunder3dvia on "How to use this function in VSL??????????"
Hi,Thanks a lot for your reply..... Here I send you the code what I am trying to do.void main() { XMLParserManager pm=XMLParserManager.Cast(bc.GetManagerByGuid(GetXMLParserManagerGUID())); XMLAtom...
View Articlerathina on "Save 2D Text as Texture."
Hi I have a situation that what ever displayed by 2D text need to be converted as texture so that i can apply it on a plane surface. Any one could help me to how to save the text as a transparent...
View Articlesunder3dvia on "HOW TO CONVERT STRING TO 3DENTITY"
Hi All,Can anyone tell me how to convert a string data (it is the name of a object , I get it as a string) into 3DEntity to invoke functions of the 3DEntity in VSL.Awaiting for reply............
View ArticleCodeMasterMike on "HOW TO CONVERT STRING TO 3DENTITY"
You cant simply convert a string into a 3DEntity, but you can use the string as a parameter to get the entity:Entity3D FoundEntity = Entity3D.Cast(bc.GetObjectByName(EntityName.CStr()));
View Articlesunder3dvia on "HOW TO CONVERT STRING TO 3DENTITY"
Hi CodeMaster Mike Thanks a lot for your reply!
View Articleshweta-jain on "exit code in vsl?"
Hi,I am developing a standalone application. I want my vmo quit onclick a button. I tried the quit attribute but player doesnot quit.Pls suggest.
View Articleshweta-jain on "exit code in vsl?"
Does anybody else faced this problem? If yes than it will be very helpful if solution can be shared.Thanks in advance.
View ArticleCodeMasterMike on "exit code in vsl?"
Use the "PostQuitMessage(0)" function in the stand alone message handler. As far as I know there isnt a direct BB or VSL code to quit a stand alone application from the VMO file. So you will need to do...
View Articleshiny123 on "Unable to activate Dynamic scripts"
With the Object load BB i am able to load all object and scripts of a .cmo file to the present .cmo( working one ). Now from this .cmo file i want to activate some of the scripts of the loaded object...
View Articlesunder3dvia on "Unable to activate Dynamic scripts"
To speed up the script you can change the link delayer from 1 to 0.
View ArticleAnonymous on "Get root parent"
Hello! I would like to know if there is a way in VSL to get the root parent of a body part. I can't use the get character in parameter Op because I need it in VSL.I specify that there are multiple...
View Articlesunder3dvia on "Need Documents?"
Hi, We have documentation for VSL in Virtools, which includes all the functions for VSL. But in that document, there is not function descriptions or samples for handling managers like Path manager...
View Articlesunder3dvia on "Is it possible?"
Hi,Is possible to load and crop the images using LUA script in Virtools. If yes means, please tell me how to do it?Awaiting for your reply!
View Articlesoniab on "Get root parent"
Hi,I think you can use in VSL vknode3d::GetRootActor that returns the top most actor holding this component ring. (or vkComponent::GetRootActor)
View Articlesunder3dvia on "How to convert?"
Hi,I would like to convert Vector data into string. Could any one tell me how to convert it?Thanks for your reply in advance.
View ArticleArmarageX on "How to convert?"
OP Building Block....Input = Vector 2nd Input = NONE Operation = Convert OutPut = String
View Articlesunder3dvia on "How to convert?"
Hi Armarage,Thanks for your reply. I know how to use Op BB. But my question is on VSL. How to convert vector into string in VSL?Awaiting for your reply!
View ArticleJeeva3m on "How to convert?"
Hi Sunder,what armarage said is right. Its possible using Op BB. Try it.
View Articlevarun_tmh on "Can I rename a 3d entity with VSL?"
can any body make a 3 d... in stl file format drawings for me...
View Articlemhh110 on "Save tuxture by VSL problem"
hello friends I saved my texture with this code in vslV_Name=V_Path+V_Texture.GetName()+ Name; //for example d:\pic.jpg V_Texture.SaveImage(V_Name.CStr(),0,true);In Dev it works fine ,But in exe file...
View Articlesunder3dvia on "Save tuxture by VSL problem"
Hi mmh110,Do you mean exe file is "vmo" file?
View Articlesunder3dvia on "Can I use XML function in LUA?"
Hi,I am learning lua 5.1 because we have provision in Virtools to use LUA. Lua supports many features such as GUI,SQL, SOCKET PROGRAMING , XML and so on. Can I use those features in Virtools? Does...
View Articlemhh110 on "Save tuxture by VSL problem"
No ,my mean is Stand Alone exe file I compiled it in VS2003 with VT4.0 but don't save picture.
View Articlesunder3dvia on "How to set Fomat option in texture using VSL?"
Hi,I would like to change the format setting of a texture using VSL. Is there any possibilities? For more information I have attached a image file where I have marked red in color where I want to...
View Articleszenarist_01 on "Save tuxture by VSL problem"
Hi,did you get any solution? I have the same problem, that in exe textures are not saved.
View Articlemhh110 on "Save tuxture by VSL problem"
Hi, No I can't If you find any,inform me please. tnx.
View Articlerathina on "get 3d Entity from ObjectArray"
Hi, i m using a simple VSL function to get the objects from Collectionbut i m getting Execution Errorthis is my codevoid main() { // Insert your code here // myObjectArray is ObjectArray(collection)...
View Articlemaricar on "VSL use BB of Virtools"
Is that working already, I would love to know the script been used.Cheers, Maricar of cruel intentions necklace store
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